Sunday 15 May 2011

NTSC Event - Sydney Opera House, behind the scene

It is from Feb 2010 but is very relevant for us as an advartising company to let you know how we try to keep contact with the big players on the Australian market.

Lari and Cristina, directosr and owners of the tm,  were invited to attend the NTSC event at Sydney Opera House. The main point was to allow us to understand what projects can NTSC carry out. The telco system from Sydney Opera house was one the most chalaging projects they ever had. The system was under maintenance.
The second reason was to shwo us (audience) rooms and scenary which are not usually seen by anybody except the employee of the Sydney Opera House.

Find more details on the OLALA Advertising and Media Production studio website (

Saturday 7 May 2011

OLALA Advertising is on Blog Spot

For a few days we started in a serious way to integrate the OLALA Advertising company into the Social Network.  It was not suppose to spend so much time but it is really not easy to do this job.